Farm Bill : What Does the Research Say?

Since the passing of the Farm Bill 2018, interest in cannabis products has skyrocketed. The products have become some of the top recommendations for helping with conditions such as arthritis, insomnia, migraine and acne. If you are a trader, your concern is ensuring to only stock the highest quality and safest cannabis products. So, are cannabis products safe?

A Brief Note about Cannabis Products

Before looking at what research says about cannabis products, it is essential to start by understanding what they are. Cannabis products are therapeutic products such as CBD oil that are derived from cannabis plants. They contain one, several, or a full spectrum of phytocannabinoids found in a hemp plant. Some common cannabis products include CBD oil, full-spectrum hemp oil, and cannabis gels.

Following the passing of the Farm Bill 2018, one of the requirements that every cannabis product out there should meet is not exceeding THC, the psychotic content, beyond 0.3%. This means that the products you stock should not make your target clients high.

What Does Research Say about Cannabis Safety?

Today, researchers appear in agreement that the main concern of cannabis products is THC. If a product contains high levels of THC, the cannabinoid binds with CB1 receptors in a human brain resulting in euphoria. It is because of this that the law limits only very small amounts of THC.

In one of the studies done by Bergamaschi et al., the researchers looked at the safety profile of CBD (cannabidiol) and established that a person’s physiological parameters are not induced. Further, they indicated that the psychomotor and physiological functions are not impacted negatively.

During the third Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), a group of researchers showcased their report on cannabinoids and their use in migraine prevention. The study concluded that CBD-THC combination is safe and helps to reduce migraine attacks by 40.4%. Further, it helps to reduce pain intensity by about 43.5%.

The Best Way to Ensure You Stock Safe Cannabis Products

Now that you know what the research says about the safety of cannabis products, the next step is identifying the safe products. One of the best methods of identifying the safest cannabis products is subjecting samples to third party testing laboratories like These are independent labs that help to test their content.

Although testing your products in a 3rd party laboratory is not a requirement in law, it has become the surest way to ascertain the following:

  • Do the cannabis products you stock have the phytocannabinoids as advertised or indicated on the packaging?
  • Do the products have pesticides or heavy metals such as arsenic and lead?
  • Are the products free from bio-contaminants such as moulds and fungi?
  • Does the cannabis products have harmful organic solvents?
  • Because of the large number of manufacturers and dealers, a third-party test can help you to identify and work with only the suppliers who are committed to safety and delivering high customer value.

When it comes to safety, no effort should be spared to ensure that only the best cannabis products are stocked in your store. Therefore, make sure to work with the best third-party laboratory for fast analysis of samples.

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