What Men Need to Know About Aging and Low-T?
Low Testosterone (male hypogonadism) is a condition in which the male reproductive organs don’t produce enough male hormone testosterone (the male sex hormone) into the bloodstream. In males, testosterone helps to build and maintain: Muscle mass, strength, endurance, and libido. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormones responsible for these functions. When a man produces less testosterone or lacks the ability to produce adequate levels of testosterone, some of these reproductive functions can malfunction. The result is that some men suffer from: Erectile dysfunction, decreased sperm count, decreased sperm motility, reduced sperm quality, reduced fertility, depression, fatigue, and hot flashes. This leaves men with less energy and the inability to perform sexually at their best.
Symptoms of low testosterone are similar to those of high levels of the hormone. For example, men who lack testosterone experience erectile dysfunction, because the nerve responsible for controlling an erection is not effectively transmitting impulses to the genital area. Men also commonly experience reduced sexual desire, because they cannot produce or release an adequate amount of testosterone. Finally, low testosterone can lead to a diminished libido, because the nerves responsible for sensation are not able to send the messages needed by the body to orgasm. These symptoms can mean the difference between satisfying a patient and leaving him disappointed.
Many of these symptoms can be reversed if the cause of low levels of testosterone is addressed. A visit to a low testosterone clinic in Atlanta or a specialist in your local area can help you identify the problem and provide treatment. Often doctors prescribe testosterone and take measures to increase low levels of the hormone. If these methods don’t work, other treatments may be recommended. These include: injections of medicine, capsules, or sprays that release synthetic testosterone directly into the bloodstream, injections of ointments containing ingredients known to increase levels of the hormone in the blood, and the most popular method, which involves taking supplements of natural herbs that stimulate hormone production.
Another symptom of low testosterone plays a role in sex drive. Reduced sexual desire can have serious consequences. For example, if a man has suffered from sleep apnea, he may experience reduced sexual desire and experience decreased performance during intercourse. Because testosterone plays a key role in the production of sperm, it is possible that a sleep apnea disorder could reduce the production of sperm. This would lead to reduced sex drive and less satisfaction for both partners.
One of the more unusual symptoms of low testosterone levels occurs when the testicles do not shrink. The testicles do not shrink, because the testicles are not needed for survival, but they remain attached to the body. Once they begin to attach, they often cannot be removed. This condition is called acromegaly, and the resulting symptoms are noticeable as being “more butt than apple.”
In conclusion, every man can expect to feel a variety of symptoms of aging. While many of these symptoms may not directly effect the quality of one’s life, many directly impact the quality of that life. Men must take their aging seriously. While there is no cure for aging, modern research has found many ways to slow down the effects of aging. By working to maintain healthy testosterone levels and removing from the body those conditions that lead to acromegaly, men can enjoy a fuller, happier life.
Low testosterone (male hypogonadism) is a medical condition in which the male reproductive organs do not produce sufficient testosterone (the male sex hormone) to fulfill the body’s needs. In men, testosterone keeps and develops: Erections, sperm production, voice and muscle mass. And it is essential for the maintenance of health: Healthy testes are the key to a healthy prostate.
Low Testosterone (hypogonadism), produced by the diminished function of the pituitary gland, can occur due to various reasons. The most common cause of reduced levels of testosterone in men is the shrinkage of the testicles (called cryptorchidism), resulting from injuries, disease, or chemotherapy. Injury or disease of the testicles can also result in reduced levels of sperm. If the sperm count in the epididymis, where eggs are produced, is low, sperm production will be inadequate, leading to infertile males. Finally, exposure to toxic compounds such as organophosphates, insecticides, and other drugs can affect sperm production.
Common symptoms of low testosterone include lack of desire, reduced performance, decreased muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, fatigue and mood disorders. Low levels of this hormone have also been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, depression and anxiety. Each of these symptoms should be evaluated by a doctor for the proper diagnosis.
Testosterone also plays a crucial role in bone density and strength, contributing to increased bone density and decreased risk of fractures. Reduced levels of this hormone have been linked with decreased bone density, especially in elderly men. Men experiencing Hypogonadism are at increased risk of fractures because the hormonal levels are not sufficient to maintain normal bone density. This deficiency leaves them susceptible to fractures, breaks and other injuries that involve sliding around in their bones. Men suffering from Hypogonadism also have low levels of circulating estrogen, which impedes their ability to cope with stress and depression, potentially leading to depressive disorders and insomnia.
The use of anabolic steroids has long been known to cause a number of side effects such as loss of muscle mass and increased fat deposits on the body, as well as a number of physical and mental symptoms including insomnia, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, heart palpitations and sudden, unexpected increase in blood pressure. While testosterone is known to increase the size of breast cells and improve breast milk production in nursing mothers, it has also been associated with the development of cancerous growths in the prostate. Testosterone deficiencies are known to lead to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease. While symptoms of Hypogonadism are relatively easy to identify, it is important that men who experience these symptoms consult a physician as early as possible.
The decreased sex drive that occurs as a result of low testosterone may affect both men and women equally. This is because, in many cases, a decline in libido can result in decreased sexual satisfaction and erections. In addition, low testosterone may lead to reduced energy levels and decreased work and household productivity. It can also lead to more frequent and prolonged erectile dysfunction and, in severe cases, to the development of sleep apnea. If low testosterone leads to such conditions as lack of concentration, depression, lack of motivation and loss of interest in sex, then the condition is said to be a true Hypogonadism.
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